Offer | Mobil Delvac Ultra 5W-40™ Extended Performance

A diesel engine oil designed to keep high horsepower, off-highway engines running smoothly – for up to 2,000 hours straight1.

Mobil Delvac Ultra™ 5W-40 Extended Performance 

A unique oil for unique off-highway engine needs
High horsepower, off-highway engines are unique – so they need a unique oil designed to meet the needs of mobile equipment operators. And as mining equipment and engines evolve, they’re getting bigger and more efficient. In order to get the most out of them, they need the right oil

Enter Mobil Delvac Ultra™ 5W-40 Extended Performance, a fully synthetic diesel engine oil specifically designed to meet the higher demands of off-highway equipment.

What makes Mobil Delvac Ultra™ 5W-40 Extended Performance stand out?

  • Optimized viscosity to protect your engines under severe loads. Its robust formulation helps protect critical components in your engine, which gives you the potential to extend engine life
  • Longer lasting formulation provides extended ODI potential up to 4 times the average OEM ODI recommendation or up to 2000 hours, helping you to optimize your PM schedules and increase your equipment availability.

1 Disclaimer: Based on typical OEM ODI 500 hrs. Results may vary based on operating conditions. Consult OEM or ExxonMobil before implementing extended ODIs, especially if the equipment/vehicle is under the OEM 's warranty.

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